Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Chicks Who Rock Harder Than Dicks

     If you've been living under said rock, or are intentionally avoiding it, you may have missed a new wave of hardcore and punk music which is being written, performed, and attended by extremely talented individuals. "Wave" might not be an appropriate term since that implies a future decline, so I'll be using the term revolution from here on out. For a long time hardcore has been overpopulated with humans of the gentlemanly (and some not-so gentlemanly) kind but it's Not Just a Boys Club and there are people out there who are taking it back and owning it. Its refreshing to hear songs from a different perspective and to listen to music about conflicts and issues that a lot of us might not be aware of. We can be sympathetic and accepting of people's struggles but taking a closer look into their lives and truly understanding why these problems shouldn't be taken any less seriously than others is an important exercise we should all practice.
      These are the bands that give us an opportunity to be more understanding and better people. These are the bands that rock harder than most. 

Firewalker is an incredible band from Boston who just released a Summer 2016 Promo that RIPS, but listen to the demo first. Catch them at OHC and on their West Coast tour with G.L.O.S.S. and Pure Disgust. 

Seeing Pox at the Cooler Ranch (RIP) was like love at first sight. So much energy. So much catch. This is their 2015 demo No SS and they might be releasing something soon, fingers crossed.

NY's Krimewatch kicked off 2016 with some serious hits and are recording a 12" to be released on the LOC. The beat don't stop with Krimewatch. 

Olympia Hardcore. Need I say more? I will though. G.L.O.S.S. is a truly groundbreaking band not only thematically and lyrically but they fucking shred. Lined lips and spiked bats comin' at ya. Trans Day of Revenge coming out Total Negativity and Nervous Nelly

Olympia Hardcore once again! It's hard to express how much joy I get out of listening to this band and how I'm even happier that they are soon releasing an LP titled The Wild Hunt on M'Lady's Records. Also, their tour blog is a must-read! Great writing and great stories.

New Wave vibes are plentiful in the Boston based punk band Dame. They have two releases under their belt, one being a split with The Cringe and they are taking over the world! 

Is it safe to say that Boston is the East Coast headquarters for the revolution? Leather Daddy is fucking pissed and they are the essence of the title of this blog post. 

Honorable Mentions: